Jazzmatazz Trumpetare Talar Ut
2010-09-30 @ 19:10:47
Det har varit tyst länge, den hatkampanj som blossade upp mot Guru´s sidekick Solar efter den före detta Gangstarr rapparen tragiska bortgång, men Brownsman som var trumpetare i Jazzmattaz mellan 2006-2010 talade ut om situationen med Solar och Guru och det är ingen trevlig bild han målar upp.
Hemsidan som är helt dedikerad till hat mot Solar www.fucksolar.com har publicerat hela intervjun nedan hittar ni en del utdrag:
"From day one, I always thought he was controlling… domineering… egotistical," . He spoke of himself as a 'god' and insisted all those around him refer to him as 'lord.' Guru always called him this. And how he handled the band – he would bark orders like a general and often liked to express himself in military terminology – which I found completely out of place in art – which is what I considered Guru’s music."
"I would come to see [Guru's trust in Solar] as his artistic death over time… and Solar as a paranoid, delusional sociopath, as Guru continued to slowly hemorrhage his decision making processes to a megalomaniac."
Det är tragiskt och det låter verkligen hemskt, R.I.P Guru:
Guru, Jazzmatazz, Solar, Hip Hop, Musik
Hemsidan som är helt dedikerad till hat mot Solar www.fucksolar.com har publicerat hela intervjun nedan hittar ni en del utdrag:
"From day one, I always thought he was controlling… domineering… egotistical," . He spoke of himself as a 'god' and insisted all those around him refer to him as 'lord.' Guru always called him this. And how he handled the band – he would bark orders like a general and often liked to express himself in military terminology – which I found completely out of place in art – which is what I considered Guru’s music."
"I would come to see [Guru's trust in Solar] as his artistic death over time… and Solar as a paranoid, delusional sociopath, as Guru continued to slowly hemorrhage his decision making processes to a megalomaniac."
Det är tragiskt och det låter verkligen hemskt, R.I.P Guru:

Guru, Jazzmatazz, Solar, Hip Hop, Musik