Afrika Bambaataa Tror Hip Hop Har Blivit Kdinappad

2011-01-25 @ 20:07:25
Pionjären inom hiphopen och vad man kan kalla en ikon, Afrika Bambaataa talade nyligen ut om sin syn på dagens Hip Hop, den gamle hjälten spädde ytterligare på ryktena om diverse artisters tillhörighet till ljusskygga kulter och sekter, genom att påstå att kulturen blivit övertagen av en djävulsdyrkande konspiration, read quote:

"Hip-hop has been hijacked by a Luciferian conspiracy,People have used hip-hop in a lot of ways that cause a lot of mind problems. They use the word wrongfully. They use it to mean a part instead of a whole. Like many of these [radio] stations say they're hip-hop, they're playing hip-hop. I go to these stations, and these so-called program directors don't know jack crap about hip-hop culture. They know rap to a certain extent. But I question them. I say, 'Where's your go-go, your hip-house, your electro-funk, your raga, your R&B and soul?' They get real quiet."

Afrika Bambaataa

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